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Philippines Travel Deals

Cheap holidays to Philippines

The Philippines archipelago of more than 7,000 islands is sandwiched between Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Thailand, flanked by the South China Sea. All her neighbours have magical tourist appeal to various degrees, but the Philippines, even though the sea is just as blue and clear and the myriad coral islands just as alluring, seems to have missed the boat when it comes to marketing its attractions.

Filipinos are warm and welcoming. Apart from some beautiful, remote tropical islands and legendary scuba diving spots, the archipelago's best resource is the friendliness and laid-back attitude of the Filipino people. Their hospitable and embracing attitude is enough to put a smile on any visitor's face; this is even more the case in the rural areas. The Philippines has some superb all-inclusive luxury resorts spread around the islands which cushion visitors from the general degradation and safety-risks of the cities and towns, and a major plus is that the country is amazingly good-value. Also, the food is delicious, and English is widely spoken.

Independent travellers who like to wander off the beaten track will find plenty to fascinate them in the countryside and coastal parts of the Philippines; albeit without the assistance of guide books. The Philippines is one of the few places left in the world where adventurers can wander through tribal lands, unfettered by modern interference. 

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