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Thailand Travel Deals

Cheap holidays to Thailand

From idyllic, unspoilt beaches with turquoise seas and pure, white sands to bustling cities sporting exotic markets and a vibrant, colourful nightlife, it is easy to see why Thailand has become one of the most popular tourist destinations for the adventurous and young at heart.

Thailand's booming tourist economy, driven largely by Hollywood (the country has been the setting for The Man with the Golden Gun, The Bridge over River Kwai and most recently Alex Garland's The Beach) has resulted in the opening of a number of expensive and luxurious international hotels. Those looking for the rustic splendour of the beaches and islands will find plenty of cheap and comfortable accommodation.

The size and geographical diversity of Thailand provides for a variety of activities. Snorkelling, diving and a host of watersports are very popular around the Islands, while inland enthusiasts can trek into.

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